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Data Translation

StereoLithography Translator

Brock Rooney And Associates

StereoLithography Translators are standalone programs that do not requireany CAD software to operate. Part databases are translated to STL, CFL,or STH files.StereoLithogtaphy Translators process up to 65 Surface Patches atonce, depending on available memory. Automatic Surface Normal Directiondetermination is included, so CAD surface normal direction doesn'tmatter. User-specified corner matching, edge matching, and mesh (chordaldeviation) tolerances are featured, as are duplicate and twisted surfaceremoval. Unsurfaced areas are filled in with triangles. The result is oneor more completely closed volumes with complete vertex-to-vertexmatching. Material volume and surface area is reported.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Brock Rooney And Associates
268 George St
Birmingham, MI 48009
Phone: (810) 645-0236
Fax: (810) 645-9020